National Croquet Day • June 5th, 2021
Green Gables Croquet Club
Open House
10A – 12N
National Guard Training Center
100 Camp Drive, Sea Girt
It’s fun, free and open to the public.
All participants will have the chance to play a game of golf croquet on the Green Gables courts. Flat soled shoes are recommended.
Masks are required. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Life is much better with croquet in it. Come give it a try!
For more information:
Green Gables Croquet Club:
Follow on Instagram: USCroquet Post on Instagram: #justplaycroquet
National Croquet Day 2020 (Past - June 7, 2020)
Article published in the Coast Star. Expand below image in your browser, or click direct link (link) for full view.

National Croquet Day 2020 (Past - June 7, 2020)
Green Gables Croquet Club, the oldest of the roughly 80 private croquet clubs in the United States, will be celebrating National Croquet Day this coming weekend on its three courts located at the National Guard Training Center in Sea Girt. With rain forecast for June 6, the official celebratory day, Green Gables will be hosting an open house for the public the following day, Sunday June 7th, beginning at 5:00 pm. Come as you are, masks required. Parking is available adjacent to our courts.
Croquet is a great way to get exercise, fresh air and sunshine, and socialize while maintaining the social distancing required at this time. Green Gables is open June through October and has group lessons for both the six-wicket American game and golf croquet as well as individual and team play. Anyone having an interest in the sport of croquet should contact GGCC President Scott McMurray for more information. No guest fees!! Come play!!